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Name: Zaerus
Gender: Male
Class: Pirate
Author: Slinn Thiefy
Class: Pirate
Head: Musketeer Hat - 03,20 | 09,18
Hair: Long Straight - 26,10
Mid Torso: Magician's Shirt - 01,01
Upper Torso: Magician's Coat - 05,25 | 03,20
Arms: Bandit's Gloves - 05,27
Waist: Pirate's Belt - 03,20
Upper Legs: Tapered Pants - 01,27
Feet: Leather Boots - 01,01
Face: 06
Eyebrows: 05,25
Lips: 03,05
Eyes: 05,25
Skin: 05,17
Underwear: 01,18
Voice: Young Man 2
Even though he has grown up with the power of magic since his childhood, Zaerus Darkmoon only discovered this in his late teens. He also developed skills as a sharpshooting warrior, and worked selling potions and other helpful items to warriors. However…
A mysterious organization heard of his magical and shooting talents, and captured him, telling him to kill Slinn, a young thief who defeated the Shadow Knight, that was somehow related to the organization. Fearing that Slinn would ruin their plans of world conquest, needed to have him dead.
Zaerus reluctantly refused to kill a person who defeated evil, thus being good, but they using some unknown gadgets, dominated his mind and forced him to kill Slinn.
The organization tracked down Slinn's location: he was at a nearby city. They sent Zaerus to fulfill his mission. After finding Slinn, they fought, but Slinn won the fight and somehow breaking the organization's control over Zaerus.
Zaerus told Slinn everything, about the organization, about them controlling Zaerus and making him kill Slinn. Slinn, after knowing all of that, decided to stop the so-called organization from conquering the world and killing him. Zaerus then helped him in his quest.