This character has been archived. If you are an author who wants this character to appear on the Soul Calibur III Original roster, submit a post on Soul Calibur III Submission Forum.


Name: Dark Sophitia
Gender: Female
Class: Sage
Author: Atom45




Class: Sage

Hair: Long Hair (Tied) - 01,27
Chin: Tattoo - 01,27
Mid Torso: Leather Tunic - 01,27
Arms: Enchanted Braces - 01,27
Shoulders: Iron Pads - 01,27
Waist: Sorcerer's Belt - 01,27
Upper Legs: Heavenly Dress - 01,14 | 01,27
Feet: Metal Boots - 01,27

Face: 07
Eyebrows: 01,27
Lips: 01,27
Eyes: 02,19
Skin: 02,19
Underwear: 01,18
Voice: Girl 2


After destroying Abyss nothing stood between Sophitia and the unholy Soul Edge. As she brought up her sword to deliver the blow that would shatter the sword, the scar that she had gotten from a fragment of Soul Edge began to writhe in pain thus bringing her to for knees. After that she began to feel a presence in her mind that was not her own, when she looked she saw that at some point she had grabbed a hold of the sword and the evil force was consuming her. She fought the evil with all she could, but she could not overcome the power of the evil blade. The last words she moaned were "Cassandra…I'm sorry…" before the dark blade completely took over her body.