This character has been archived. If you are an author who wants this character to appear on the Soul Calibur III Original roster, submit a post on Soul Calibur III Submission Forum.


Name: Catherine
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin
Author: AzUrEkYtE




Class: Assassin

Head: Brace Circlet - 23,04
Hair: Medium Length - 23,18
Lower Torso: Scale Buster - 18,21
Arms: Bangles - 20,19 | 27,24
Neck: Brooch Choker - 26,25 | 20,18
Waist: Spy Belt - 22,19
Lower Legs: Cloth Bikini - 22,06
Upper Legs: Prayer Pants - 24,23 | 20,16
Feet: Straw Sandals - 25,27

Face: 02
Eyebrows: 23,19
Lips: 03,15
Eyes: 19,19
Skin: 04,15
Underwear: 01,18
Voice: Girl 1


This character does not currently have a biography/story.