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Name: Argus
Gender: Male
Class: Barbarian
Author: Sammichmastah

Class: Barbarian
Head: Viking Helmet - 06,25
Hair: Long Perm - 07,17
Chin: Scruffy Beard - 07,23
Lower Torso: Sleeveless Shirt - 05,27
Mid Torso: Hunter's Jacket - 05,25
Upper Torso: Massive Plate - 06,25
Arms: Warlord's Gauntlet - 06,25
Shoulders: Bandit's Shoulders - 06,16
Neck: Barbarian Necklace - 02,27
Waist: Fur Loincloth - 05,25
Upper Legs: Hunter's Pants - 07,07
Feet: Protective Boots - 05,25
Face: 05
Eyebrows: 07,18
Lips: 03,05
Eyes: 20,02
Skin: 04,17
Underwear: 01,18
Voice: Man
A big, loud, and boastful drunkard of a man, Argus is a part of another viking crew that do what vikings do best: pillaging, killing, and excessive drinking. Argus' leader has now issued everyone on a journey to find the legendary blade known as Soul Edge, the reward being the head of it's wielder as a trophy to prove they are a man among men. Argus was one of the most powerful members as he was the only one besides his leader that could swing the great hammer known to his comrades as "The Demon Beater". His own personal reasons for capturing the sword are unknown, but rumors among his crew say that it is to acquire the strength to challenge Thor himself. He now leads his fellow men across the lands to find the ultimate blade and it's monstrous owner.