Name: Mil Mayron
Gender: Female
Hairstyle: 80
Hair Color: 11,06
Accessory 1: None
Accessory 2: None
Face: 1
Skin Color: 1,1 - Eastern 1
Age: -5
Face Width: 0
Chin Width: 0
Chin Length: 0
Chin Position: 0
Jaw Width: -2
Jaw Height: 0
Jaw Depth: 0
Eyebrows: 3
Eyebrow Color: 11,06 - Yellow 6
Inner Brow: -5
Outer Brow: 0
Eye Type: 1
Eye Color R: 4,1 - Blue
Eye Color L: 4,1 - Blue
Eye Size: 0
Eye Width: 3
Eye Height: 0
Eye Spacing: 1
Eye Angle: 0
Eyelids: 1
Pupil Size: Small
Pupil Spacing: 0
Pupil Height: 0
Makeup: None
Makeup Color: —
Nose: 4
Size: 1
Position: 0
Width: 0
Height: 0
Angle: 0
Mouth: 13
Lip Color: 1,1 - Pink
Mouth Size: -5
Lip Thickness: 0
Mouth Height: 0
Position: -5
Physique: Standard
Head Size: -1
Height: 1
Weight: -5
Arm Length: -2
Leg Length: 1
Chest: 2
Head: None
Body: Mistress Strategist - White
Arm: Combat God Gauntlets - Blue
Leg: Pirate Pants - White
Foot: Phoenix Boots - Blue
Favorite Weapon: Sword & Hook
EX Type: Xu Shu
Musou 1: Flashout
Musou 2: Hidden Surprise
Aerial Musou: Coming Thunder
Rage Attack: Xu Shu
Voice: Calm 1
Height: -1
Ability Type: Agile
Way of Life: Benevolent Ruler
Favorite Stratagem 1: Advance
Favorite Stratagem 2: Swift Raid
Favorite Stratagem 3: Raid
Favorite Stratagem 4: Reinforcements
Included page "formula-dw8:mil-mayron" does not exist (create it now)
Name: Mil Mayron
Gender: Female
Hairstyle: 80
Hair Color: 11,06
Accessory 1: None
Accessory 2: None
Face: 1
Skin Color: 1,1 - Eastern 1
Age: -5
Face Width: 0
Chin Width: 0
Chin Length: 0
Chin Position: 0
Jaw Width: -2
Jaw Height: 0
Jaw Depth: 0
Eyebrows: 3
Eyebrow Color: 11,06 - Yellow 6
Inner Brow: -5
Outer Brow: 0
Eye Type: 1
Eye Color R: 5,1 - Blank
Eye Color L: 5,1 - Blank
Eye Size: 0
Eye Width: 3
Eye Height: 0
Eye Spacing: 1
Eye Angle: 0
Eyelids: 1
Pupil Size: Small
Pupil Spacing: 0
Pupil Height: 0
Makeup: None
Makeup Color: —
Nose: 4
Size: 1
Position: 0
Width: 0
Height: 0
Angle: 0
Mouth: 13
Lip Color: 1,1 - Pink
Mouth Size: -5
Lip Thickness: 0
Mouth Height: 0
Position: -5
Physique: Standard
Head Size: -1
Height: 1
Weight: -5
Arm Length: -2
Leg Length: 1
Chest: 2
Head: None
Body: Wandering Warrior - Blue
Arm: Water Goddess - Blue
Leg: Chic Swordswoman - Blue
Foot: Steel Blue - Blue
Favorite Weapon: Curved Sword
EX Type: Zhou Tai
Musou 1: Void
Musou 2: Flash
Aerial Musou: Arrowstorm
Rage Attack: Zhou Tai
Voice: Calm 1
Height: -1
Ability Type: Swift-Footed
Way of Life: Benevolent Ruler
Favorite Stratagem 1: Raid
Favorite Stratagem 2: Immovable
Favorite Stratagem 3: Base Seizure
Favorite Stratagem 4: Snake Formation
Included page "formula-dw8:mil-mayron-costume2" does not exist (create it now)