Name: Alena
Gender: Female
Hairstyle: 8
Hair Color: 12,09 - Green 9
Accessory 1: 31
Accessory 2: None
Face: 2
Skin Color: 1,1 - Eastern 1
Age: -5
Face Width: 0
Chin Width: 0
Chin Length: 0
Chin Position: -5
Jaw Width: -2
Jaw Height: 0
Jaw Depth: 0
Eyebrows: 1
Eyebrow Color: 12,09 - Green 9
Inner Brow: 0
Outer Brow: 0
Eye Type: 23
Eye Color R: 5,2 - Green
Eye Color L: 5,2 - Green
Eye Size: 0
Eye Width: 3
Eye Height: 0
Eye Spacing: 1
Eye Angle: 0
Eyelids: 4
Pupil Size: Big
Pupil Spacing: 0
Pupil Height: 0
Makeup: None
Makeup Color: —
Nose: 3
Size: -4
Position: 0
Width: 0
Height: -2
Angle: 0
Mouth: 3
Lip Color: 8,2 - Green
Mouth Size: -5
Lip Thickness:0
Mouth Height: 0
Position: -5
Physique: Standard
Head Size: -1
Height: -4
Weight: 7
Arm Length: -1
Leg Length: 2
Chest: 1
Head: Peacock Princess - Green
Body: Archangel Gown - Green
Arm: Schoolgirl Gloves - Green
Leg: Elf Skirt - Green
Foot: Steel Heroine Boots - Green
Favorite Weapon: Mandarin Duck Hooks
EX Type: Lianshi
Musou 1: Spinning Cracker
Musou 2: Double Trouble
Aerial Musou: Whirling Gale
Rage Attack: Lianshi (Mandarin Duck Hooks)
Voice: Innocent 1
Height: 5
Ability Type: Swift-Footed
Way of Life: Diamond in the Rough
Favorite Stratagem 1: Mystic Fog
Favorite Stratagem 2: Lightning Speed
Favorite Stratagem 3: Unity
Favorite Stratagem 4: Gale
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