Gender: Female
Hair: 22 - Black
Face: 2 - L1 3 times
- Details
Face Width: 0
Chin Width: -1
Chin Length: -1
Chin Position: 0
Jaw Width: -2
Jaw Height: 2
Jaw Depth: -1
Eyebrows: 8 - Black
- Details
Inner Brow: -3
Outer Brow: -3
Eyes: 15
- Details
Right Eye: Blue
Left Eye: Blue
Size: 4
Width: 0
Position: -2
Spacing: 0
Angle: 0
Eyelids: 1
Pupil Size: Big
Pupil Spacing: 0
Pupil Height: -1
Makeup: 4 - Brown
Nose: 4
- Details
Size: -1
Position: -1
Width: -1
Height: -1
Angle: 0
Mouth: 5 - L1 3 times
- Details
Size: -5
Thickness: -4
Position: 0
Position: -5
Accessory 1: None
Accessory 2: None
Body Type
Physique: Average
Head Size: -1
Height: -9
Weight: 0
Arm Length: -1
Leg Length: 2
Chest: 2
Head: Princess Headpiece - Red
Chest: Alluring Robe - Red
Arms: Alluring Gloves - Red
Waist: Alluring Skirt - Red
Legs: Alluring Sandals - Red
Favorite Weapon: Shaman Rod
EX Type: Zhang Jiao
Musou 1: Miracle of Earth
Musou 2: Miracle of Heaven
Secondary weapon: Shaman Rod
Voice: Graceful 2
Height: 5
Ability Type: Power
Fame Type: Orderly
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