Real Name: Yumi
Title: Tidal Tempest
Height/Weight: 6' / 139 lbs.
Likes: Jewelry
Dislikes: Eve
Hair Color: Blue
Eye Color: Blue
Laterality: Right
Weapon: Shimasen
Weapon Name: Wave Rider
Musical Instrument: Shimasen
Harsh speaker who hates slackers.
Character Relations
Real Name: Yumi
Title: Tidal Tempest
Height/Weight: 6' / 139 lbs.
Likes: Jewelry
Dislikes: Eve
Hair Color: Blue
Eye Color: Blue
Laterality: Right
Weapon: Shimasen
Weapon Name: Wave Rider
Musical Instrument: Shimasen
Harsh speaker who hates slackers.
Character Relations

Author Notes
Part of a small project I had around 2007 where I wanted to personify the tier 4 elemental spell certain Espers used in Final fantasy XII. Her outfits have been pretty consistent throughout the Soul series, though the Warriors series is where her looks really shines compared to the other 7.
Soulcalibur III
- Tidal Tempest
- In later iterations she uses Spy Robe as the mid torso item, since the one in 3 only covered the front I had to choose a different mid torso item for her. All Elementals with a visible neck have Grand Choker colored to their element, in Waterja's case the gem is Blue.
Soulcalibur IV
- Tidal Tempest
- Recreation of her BD outfit with minor tweaks.
Soulcalibur BD
- Tidal Tempest
- In SC3 she used Wave Sword Leviathan as her weapon with it's exclusion I chose Xianghua for her replacement.
Soulcalibur V
- Tidal Tempest
- She has had trouble keeping a style based around both hands, while she didn't use Maxi's style in 4/BD (due to not being able to color weapons and none look like sickles) she uses it now. In a way they can be thought of as short Wave Swords for her. The scar on her left eye she received from Eve whom she bad mouthed who also took her eye out with her bare hands. Her name was originally Waterja, though from this game onward I gave her the name Yumi. As there was no water related sticker in SC5 she is the only elemental to retain her colored jewel around her neck.
Warriors Series
- Dynasty Warriors 7 ~ Tidal Tempest
- She is the only Elemental that uses no DLC at all. Thanks to the weapon switching I can emulate her graceful self (Claws) and power self (Arm Blade) together at once. Not to be confused with the generic officer, Yu Mi from the three kingdoms era.
- Dynasty Warriors 8 ~ Tidal Tempest
- Wanted to give her a new look since in 7:E she had an elegant look I wanted to focus on her power self. Not to be confused with the generic officer, Yu Mi from the three kingdoms era.
- Samurai Warriors 4 ~ Tidal Tempest
- While Eve and Ellis were able to use their musical instrument in DW7:E, Yumi has her chance to use it here in SW4. The moveset fits her very well.
Author Notes
Part of a small project I had around 2007 where I wanted to personify the tier 4 elemental spell certain Espers used in Final fantasy XII. Her outfits have been pretty consistent throughout the Soul series, though the Warriors series is where her looks really shines compared to the other 7.
Soulcalibur III
- Tidal Tempest
- In later iterations she uses Spy Robe as the mid torso item, since the one in 3 only covered the front I had to choose a different mid torso item for her. All Elementals with a visible neck have Grand Choker colored to their element, in Waterja's case the gem is Blue.
Soulcalibur IV
- Tidal Tempest
- Recreation of her BD outfit with minor tweaks.
Soulcalibur BD
- Tidal Tempest
- In SC3 she used Wave Sword Leviathan as her weapon with it's exclusion I chose Xianghua for her replacement.
Soulcalibur V
- Tidal Tempest
- She has had trouble keeping a style based around both hands, while she didn't use Maxi's style in 4/BD (due to not being able to color weapons and none look like sickles) she uses it now. In a way they can be thought of as short Wave Swords for her. The scar on her left eye she received from Eve whom she bad mouthed who also took her eye out with her bare hands. Her name was originally Waterja, though from this game onward I gave her the name Yumi. As there was no water related sticker in SC5 she is the only elemental to retain her colored jewel around her neck.
Warriors Series
- Dynasty Warriors 7 ~ Tidal Tempest
- She is the only Elemental that uses no DLC at all. Thanks to the weapon switching I can emulate her graceful self (Claws) and power self (Arm Blade) together at once. Not to be confused with the generic officer, Yu Mi from the three kingdoms era.
- Dynasty Warriors 8 ~ Tidal Tempest
- Wanted to give her a new look since in 7:E she had an elegant look I wanted to focus on her power self. Not to be confused with the generic officer, Yu Mi from the three kingdoms era.
- Samurai Warriors 4 ~ Tidal Tempest
- While Eve and Ellis were able to use their musical instrument in DW7:E, Yumi has her chance to use it here in SW4. The moveset fits her very well.
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