Name: Mil Mayron
Age: 28
Birthplace: France
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 123 lbs.
Birth Date: March 5
Blood Type: A
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Light Blue
Laterality: Left
Orientation: Hetero
Weapon: Long Sword
Weapon Name: Volt Blade
Younger Sister/Miri Mayron
Taller Sister/Quika Mayron
Name: Mil Mayron
Age: 28
Birthplace: France
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 127 lbs.
Birth Date: March 5
Blood Type: A
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Light Blue
Laterality: Left
Orientation: Hetero
Weapon: Long Sword
Weapon Name: Volt Blade
Critical Finish: Thunders Roar (Sophitias CF)
Younger Sister/Miri Mayron
Taller Sister/Quika Mayron
Name: Mil Mayron
Age: 45
Birthplace: France
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Birth Date: March 5
Blood Type: A
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Light Blue
Laterality: Left
Orientation: Hetero
Weapon: Long Sword
Weapon Name: Volt Blade
Younger Sister/Miri Mayron
Taller Sister/Quika Mayron
"Greetings Mil glad you could make it here." Mil tops her hat in respect, then puts it back on "Your assignment this time is to watch over the Graf Dumas." Mil twitched an eye after hearing that "We've heard reports of oddities concerning this individual and aren't certain if he is connected to those swords, we would like for you to investigate the matter as soon as possible." Mil became lost in thought at the request "Oh we've also told two familiar friends of yours about the situation." Mil answered interested "Familiar friends you say…it wouldn't be those two again would it?"
Name: Mil Mayron
Age: 28
Birthplace: France
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 123 lbs.
Birth Date: March 5
Blood Type: A
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Light Blue
Laterality: Left
Orientation: Hetero
Weapon: Long Sword
Weapon Name: Volt Blade
Younger Sister/Miri Mayron
Taller Sister/Quika Mayron
Name: Mil Mayron
Age: 28
Birthplace: France
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 127 lbs.
Birth Date: March 5
Blood Type: A
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Light Blue
Laterality: Left
Orientation: Hetero
Weapon: Long Sword
Weapon Name: Volt Blade
Critical Finish: Thunders Roar (Sophitias CF)
Younger Sister/Miri Mayron
Taller Sister/Quika Mayron
Name: Mil Mayron
Age: 45
Birthplace: France
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Birth Date: March 5
Blood Type: A
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Light Blue
Laterality: Left
Orientation: Hetero
Weapon: Long Sword
Weapon Name: Volt Blade
Younger Sister/Miri Mayron
Taller Sister/Quika Mayron
"Greetings Mil glad you could make it here." Mil tops her hat in respect, then puts it back on "Your assignment this time is to watch over the Graf Dumas." Mil twitched an eye after hearing that "We've heard reports of oddities concerning this individual and aren't certain if he is connected to those swords, we would like for you to investigate the matter as soon as possible." Mil became lost in thought at the request "Oh we've also told two familiar friends of yours about the situation." Mil answered interested "Familiar friends you say…it wouldn't be those two again would it?"

Author Notes
Originally a female Ky Kiske (Kyko Kiske) I created during my short time of playing Guilty Gear X2 in my Sophomore year of high school. She was a character I grew attached with and overtime slowly melded her into her own character. She was set as a solo character who originally had 2 fake sisters that overtime become real sisters which would make her have an actual family. She tends to come off as cold and often hates remarks that make her sound kinder than she is, though deep down inside she does have care for those who are close to her even if she doesn't physically show it. Since I was wanting her to have more positive interactions with other characters I had brought back Yukino & Alphonse as well as giving her interactions with fellow mascot Evangeline and new borrowed alchemist Arcadia.
Soulcalibur III
- Costume 1 ~ Azure Noble
- Outfit mainly focused on her noble side, with the exception of the bells around her waist this outfit is pretty accurate to her look.
- Costume 2 ~ Graceful Sabre
- Main focus behind this outfit was graceful movements which this outfits allows.
Soulcalibur IV
- Costume 1 ~ Holy Traveler
- While her SC3 outfit focused more on her nobility her SC4 outfit focuses more on her adventurous side. While the outfit type is correct (thanks to the Boots) it's not meant to have such long boots (they were only to tighten the pants).
- Costume 2 ~ Cobalt Noble
- Originally I didn't have an alt for Mil, but had an idea for one in BD when I saw a Blaze the Cat creation on YouTube.
Soulcalibur BD
- Cobalt Noble
- I was never able to create an alt for Mil that I liked in the console version so I made it in BD. The original alt in the console version wasn't hers as it is Miri's main outfit, this outfit was inspired from seeing a Blaze the Cat creation on YouTube.
Soulcalibur V
For the story order read as such
Yukino » Mil Mayron » Alphonse
- Costume 1 ~ Electric Noble
- I have always wanted one of Mil's outfits to have a hat at some point, but felt it wouldn't feel like a personal hat until now thanks to the Thunderbolt sticker. I would have her wear her usual tight pants, but they clip with her boots.
- Costume 2 ~ Lightspeed
- Soulcalibur variant of her Elementazion form for Fantasy Warriors.
- Costume 3 ~ Graceful Sabre (Legacy)
- Recreation of her Costume 2 from SC3 with SC5's creation system.
Warriors Series
- Dynasty Warriors 7 Costume 1 ~ Cobalt Noble
- Mil Mayron in her outfit recreated from Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires. This is a revision of her DW6:E outfit with additional tweaks with new parts from DW7:E, also shortened her hair to be more proper to her hair style.
- Dynasty Warriors 7 Costume 2 ~ Lightspeed
- An attempt at her more up-to-date Elementazion form which gives her a single long sleeve and a short cape (not doable here).
- Dynasty Warriors 8 Costume 1 ~ Noble Thunder
- Tweaked the design to look more like her Fantasy Warriors incarnation thanks to White being added as a color.
- Dynasty Warriors 8 Costume 2 ~ Lightspeed
- Complete redesign of her Elementazion form in Fantasy Warriors.
- Samurai Warriors 4 Costume 1 ~ Azure Noble
- A nice adaptation of Mil, with slightly more accurate hair. Ginchiyo Tachibanas style fits her like a glove with how close it is to how she would fight.
- Samurai Warriors 4 Costume 2 ~ White Lightning (Empires only)
- A secondary noble like look for her using some Empires exclusive items.
Author Notes
Originally a female Ky Kiske (Kyko Kiske) I created during my short time of playing Guilty Gear X2 in my Sophomore year of high school. She was a character I grew attached with and overtime slowly melded her into her own character. She was set as a solo character who originally had 2 fake sisters that overtime become real sisters which would make her have an actual family. She tends to come off as cold and often hates remarks that make her sound kinder than she is, though deep down inside she does have care for those who are close to her even if she doesn't physically show it. Since I was wanting her to have more positive interactions with other characters I had brought back Yukino & Alphonse as well as giving her interactions with fellow mascot Evangeline and new borrowed alchemist Arcadia.
Soulcalibur III
- Costume 1 ~ Azure Noble
- Outfit mainly focused on her noble side, with the exception of the bells around her waist this outfit is pretty accurate to her look.
- Costume 2 ~ Graceful Sabre
- Main focus behind this outfit was graceful movements which this outfits allows.
Soulcalibur IV
- Costume 1 ~ Holy Traveler
- While her SC3 outfit focused more on her nobility her SC4 outfit focuses more on her adventurous side. While the outfit type is correct (thanks to the Boots) it's not meant to have such long boots (they were only to tighten the pants).
- Costume 2 ~ Cobalt Noble
- Originally I didn't have an alt for Mil, but had an idea for one in BD when I saw a Blaze the Cat creation on YouTube.
Soulcalibur BD
- Cobalt Noble
- I was never able to create an alt for Mil that I liked in the console version so I made it in BD. The original alt in the console version wasn't hers as it is Miri's main outfit, this outfit was inspired from seeing a Blaze the Cat creation on YouTube.
Soulcalibur V
For the story order read as such
Yukino » Mil Mayron » Alphonse
- Costume 1 ~ Electric Noble
- I have always wanted one of Mil's outfits to have a hat at some point, but felt it wouldn't feel like a personal hat until now thanks to the Thunderbolt sticker. I would have her wear her usual tight pants, but they clip with her boots.
- Costume 2 ~ Lightspeed
- Soulcalibur variant of her Elementazion form for Fantasy Warriors.
- Costume 3 ~ Graceful Sabre (Legacy)
- Recreation of her Costume 2 from SC3 with SC5's creation system.
Warriors Series
- Dynasty Warriors 7 Costume 1 ~ Cobalt Noble
- Mil Mayron in her outfit recreated from Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires. This is a revision of her DW6:E outfit with additional tweaks with new parts from DW7:E, also shortened her hair to be more proper to her hair style.
- Dynasty Warriors 7 Costume 2 ~ Lightspeed
- An attempt at her more up-to-date Elementazion form which gives her a single long sleeve and a short cape (not doable here).
- Dynasty Warriors 8 Costume 1 ~ Noble Thunder
- Tweaked the design to look more like her Fantasy Warriors incarnation thanks to White being added as a color.
- Dynasty Warriors 8 Costume 2 ~ Lightspeed
- Complete redesign of her Elementazion form in Fantasy Warriors.
- Samurai Warriors 4 Costume 1 ~ Azure Noble
- A nice adaptation of Mil, with slightly more accurate hair. Ginchiyo Tachibanas style fits her like a glove with how close it is to how she would fight.
- Samurai Warriors 4 Costume 2 ~ White Lightning (Empires only)
- A secondary noble like look for her using some Empires exclusive items.
Alternate Media