Real Name: Eve
Title: Divine Magic
Height/Weight: 5' 11" / 127 lbs.
Likes: Billiards
Dislikes: Loud mouths
Hair Color: Light Blonde
Eye Color: Light Blue
Laterality: Right
Weapon: Magic Orb
Weapon Name: Divine Ball
Musical Instrument: Harp
Strict towards everyone, though kinder to Ellis. If enraged she can be very deadly.
Character Relations
Real Name: Eve
Title: Divine Magic
Height/Weight: 5' 11" / 127 lbs.
Likes: Billiards
Dislikes: Loud mouths
Hair Color: Light Blonde
Eye Color: Light Blue
Laterality: Right
Weapon: Magic Orb
Weapon Name: Divine Ball
Musical Instrument: Harp
Strict towards everyone, though kinder to Ellis. If enraged she can be very deadly.
Character Relations

Author Notes
Part of a small project I had around 2007 where I wanted to personify the tier 4 elemental spell certain Espers used in Final fantasy XII. Her outfits overtime have gone from short robes to long ones meant to hide her figure. This is in contrast to Nagi whose outfits change to show more of her figure.
Soulcalibur III
- Divine Magic
- In the original conception she and Darkja were very similar in terms of looks though different items were used, I wanted to differentiate them more to make them unique between each other. All Elementals with a visible neck have Grand Choker colored to their element, in Holyja's case the gem is White.
Soulcalibur IV
- Divine Magic
- Originally an attempted recreation of her BD outfit, but changed to mix her BD and old SC3 look.
Soulcalibur BD
- Divine Magic
- The original design between her and Darkja were similar, but Holyja took the more majestic look in later conception.
Soulcalibur V
- Divine Magic
- Of all her outfits this is definitely her skimpiest which is what I was shooting for with a Goddess like figure. Since Zasalamel's style didn't return in 5 I gave her Viola's style. Her name was originally Holyja, though from this game onward I gave her the name Eve. She has a Sun symbol on her hip representing light.
Warriors Series
- Dynasty Warriors 7 ~ Divine Magic
- More of an apology to her for her skimpy SC5 outfit. I aimed for a more proper look for a holy element character look without going overboard in sexiness like I did in SC5. Though she doesn't like to admit it she is good at billiards (or pool whatever you want to call it as). She is one of two who uses her instrument as a weapon the other being Ellis.
- Dynasty Warriors 8 ~ Divine Magic
- Going off of what was made in SW4 for her outfit this time.
- Samurai Warriors 4 ~ Divine Magic
- Going for a priestess look for her. I really like how it turned out, though I don't like how stiff Kanbei's style is.
Author Notes
Part of a small project I had around 2007 where I wanted to personify the tier 4 elemental spell certain Espers used in Final fantasy XII. Her outfits overtime have gone from short robes to long ones meant to hide her figure. This is in contrast to Nagi whose outfits change to show more of her figure.
Soulcalibur III
- Divine Magic
- In the original conception she and Darkja were very similar in terms of looks though different items were used, I wanted to differentiate them more to make them unique between each other. All Elementals with a visible neck have Grand Choker colored to their element, in Holyja's case the gem is White.
Soulcalibur IV
- Divine Magic
- Originally an attempted recreation of her BD outfit, but changed to mix her BD and old SC3 look.
Soulcalibur BD
- Divine Magic
- The original design between her and Darkja were similar, but Holyja took the more majestic look in later conception.
Soulcalibur V
- Divine Magic
- Of all her outfits this is definitely her skimpiest which is what I was shooting for with a Goddess like figure. Since Zasalamel's style didn't return in 5 I gave her Viola's style. Her name was originally Holyja, though from this game onward I gave her the name Eve. She has a Sun symbol on her hip representing light.
Warriors Series
- Dynasty Warriors 7 ~ Divine Magic
- More of an apology to her for her skimpy SC5 outfit. I aimed for a more proper look for a holy element character look without going overboard in sexiness like I did in SC5. Though she doesn't like to admit it she is good at billiards (or pool whatever you want to call it as). She is one of two who uses her instrument as a weapon the other being Ellis.
- Dynasty Warriors 8 ~ Divine Magic
- Going off of what was made in SW4 for her outfit this time.
- Samurai Warriors 4 ~ Divine Magic
- Going for a priestess look for her. I really like how it turned out, though I don't like how stiff Kanbei's style is.
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