This is meant to take place near the end of Su Xiao-Lins personal story in SC4, this event is one of the reasons she switched from Three-Sectional Staff to Sword & Trident in SC5.

"Hmm…you are more troublesome than I thought." said the dark skinned figure wielding a Scythe below his feet appeared a magic circle "I have no time to deal with you!" as he finished his sentence a bright light emerged from the circle blinding Xiao-Lin.

When she opened her eyes Xiao-Lin was confused as to where she was, behind her she heard a giggle. When Xiao-Lin turned around a familiar figure she hadn't seen in years was there…she was frozen with disbelief "It…can't be…" she said. With a smile the figure replied "My how you've grown…Xiao hunie."